Frequently Asked Questions

  • It’s outside my scope of practice to prescribe medication, or supplements. However, if I feel it is appropriate, and if I have your permission, I can contact your GP directly to request specific medications and supplements which may help with your condition.

  • Rather than a set meal plan, I will usually provide appropriate dietary advice, and personalised recommendations based on your treatment goals. However, a meal plan can be provided to you at an additional cost, which can be discussed with you during your session.

  • Appointments are available via my online booking system on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the daytime and some Monday and Tuesday evenings. If these times aren't convenient to you, please contact me at, and I will do my best to fit you in.

  • Currently, I'm not registered with any health insurance providers, but it is still worth reaching out, as we may be able to make arrangements.

  • If you have recovered from an eating disorder, please do reach out to see if I can support you.

    However, if you think you have an active eating disorder, it is recommended you speak to a specialist eating disorder dietitian, as part of a multi-disciplinary team alongside a psychologist. Please let me know if you are struggling to find the right support, and I can signpost you to an appropriate service.

  • The discovery call offers you a chance to learn more about my services and how I can help you, before you commit.

    It also gives me an opportunity to assess where you're at in your journey, and whether you are more appropriate for dietary and lifestyle support or CBT hypnotherapy. Occasionally, I will refer you onto the GP or Gastroenterology Team for their medical input, if I suspect you need further investigation.